
The FCCSC community is glad to hear university offers from the early decision round for UK, Canada, Australia and Singapore for our Grade 12 graduating class of 2021

新年伊始,福州中加学校12年级的学生就收到了来自英国,加拿大, 澳大利亚以及新加坡大学的多份offer

Our education form offers an exceptional educational experience to our intelligent, independent and enterprising students. Each student is encouraged to follow their own academic path and to develop their talents as an individual. In 2019 and 2020, every one of our students achieved the grades they needed to enter their first choice university, with many going on to the most sought-after universities on the planet such as University of Toronto, University of British Columbia,University of Sydney, to study demanding subjects such as Business, Psychology, Physics, and Computer Science.

我们的教育模式为我们聪明,独立以及进取的孩子提供了与众不同的教育体验。学校鼓励每个学生走自己的学术道路,发展自己的个人才能。在2019年至2020年,我们的每一个学生完成了他们的梦想, 以优异的成绩进入第一志愿的世界知名院校 ,如多伦多大学,英属哥伦比亚大学,悉尼大学,学习商科,心理学,物理学和计算机科学等专业。

We will keep updating with university results as offers come in the regular decision deadlines.

我们会持续更新大学录取情况, 敬请期待。