在二O二O年第15届全国《语文周报》小学生优秀作文征集活动中,福州中加小学部四、五、六三个学段共计28位学生的作品分别获得全国初赛二等奖3人;三等奖10人,优秀奖15人 ;陈颖萍、高梅、高敬三位老师获优秀指导奖。 ,、
In the excellent compositions for primary school students, there are 28 students from G4-G6 of FCCSC won prizes. Chen Yingping, GAO Mei and Gao Jing were awarded the excellent instructor award.
向苒《漫画老师 》二等奖
郑祥锟《 漫画老师 》三等奖
包诗语 《铁蛋》 二等奖
席世颐 《阅读让生活更美好》二等奖
邝子郡 《一个微笑》三等奖
胡王一涵 《难忘的微笑》三等奖
黄铂乔 《我的老师们》三等奖
林乐昊 《冬日黄昏的一幕》三等奖
黄雨涵 《希望与温暖》三等奖
女孩子们拿到了奖状 。她们笑的跟鲜花一样 ,过去的一年里,她们积极努力地写作 。她们徜徉在自己的世界里 ,领略着创作的无限魅力 ,用自己的手写自己的心 。原来写作就是这样简单 。
有的小女孩投一篇还觉得不够 ,连夜改了几篇去投稿。收获奖状那一刻 ,她们终于相信有付出就有回报。
The girls got their awards. They smiled like flowers, and they have worked hard to write for the past year. They wander in their own world, enjoy the infinite charm of creation, with their own heart. It turns out that writing is so simple.
Some little girls contributed more than one. At the moment of receiving the certificate, they finally believe that there is a return to pay.
爱写小说的男孩子们 ,你们的故事真好听 ,居然有人会写连载小说了 。祖粲跟世梁同学的战争小说真的会吸引你噢!元灿拿到奖状的那一刻他还发表了感言 :“我的成功比放弃勤快了一点点 。”
Boys love to write novels. The war novel written by Andy and Jacob can attract you! "My success is a little faster than giving up hard work," Jasper said in a speech the moment he received the award.
四五年级的弟弟妹妹们,你们真是了不起 。在这次比赛中你们获得了非常好的名次 。六年级的哥哥姐姐们应该以你们为荣 。虽然作品还有些许稚嫩 ,但你们写出了内心真实的世界 。儿童该有的喜怒哀乐 ,天真浪漫、多姿多彩的童年。
The students in grades four and five, you are really amazing. You have got a very good place in this competition. We are proud of you. Although the work is still a little immature, but you write the inner real world.
Emerson said, "Your sentences should be like dandelions dug out of the ground. Their roots are long, sticky, and wet." What this writer is talking about is writing with life. So it is with literary writing, and so it is with teaching children to write.
Teachers' tireless efforts are indispensable to the growth of children's writing skills. The teacher kept picking up shellfish on the beach during the educational journey. There is work, there is also harvest; There is joy, and there is toil. But anyway, grow up together with the children, and let the children's words present a common standard: sincerity!
教师让学生参加这样的写作比赛,旨在更好地配合语文教学改革,提高小学生的核心素养,发掘和培养校园写作人才,倾力打造福州中加小学部学生写作品牌活动。 本次特别感谢语文周报社韩老师及各编辑的大力支持。听说未来还特别推出征集学生优秀作文暨文学写作研学活动,我们拭目以待!
Although the works of FCCSC are immature, there is no lack of smart, which can truly reflect the social life, campus life and rich emotional inner world. Teachers guide students to picture people, remember the truth, express the truth, show the true meaning. It reflects the cultural literacy of the youth, while paying attention to the life atmosphere of the works, highlighting the characteristics of The Times.
Teachers let students participate in such writing competitions, aiming at better cooperating with the reform of Chinese teaching, improving the core quality of primary school students, discovering and cultivating writing talents on campus, and making great efforts to build the writing brand activity for students in the Primary School of FCCSC.
You are the best! We are proud of you!